Tuesday, October 1, 2013

God grew tired of us

We watched a movie today, which was pretty exciting. The title of the movie that we watched was God grew tired of us and it is about the civil war between north and south Sudan and the results of it. The cause for this war, is because in the north section it is mostly all Muslim and the south section it is both Christian and Animists. The north side wanted to have an ethnic cleansing, therefore they killed all the young men or put cuts on their foreheads from south Sudan. The results of this cleansing is devastating, all the 27,000 young kids that escaped, had to travel all the way to Ethiopia for refugee. It was no easy trip; kids had start eating dirt, drinking urine and a lot of them were starting to die from starvation, dehydration and malnutrition. They finally got to there, but it wasn't after 3 months that they had to move to Kenya. Sadly, the same situation happened to the kids except for this time, it was worse. They had started with 27,000 kids and ended up in Kenya with 12,000. Here in the Kenya refugee camp, is where we talk about 3 men, Panther, Daniel and John, who have lived in the refugee camp for almost all of their lives, and is now having the opportunity to go to America. We didn't finish all of it, but I will blog more tomorrow!!

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