Monday, October 21, 2013

Cultural Characteristics and Mr. Schick's awesome vacation

Today Mr.Schick was here!! But Arri was not (he has been gone for almost all of the month)... Well Mr. Schick told us about his vacations, which sounded pretty fun. 1st he told us about he saw his daughter, who studies journalism at the university Boston, but Mr. Schick's "adventures" had just begun. The adventure that he did was going to the Red Sox's game with the television crew. How he actually got into the television crew section was actually pretty funny though. He decided to go walking around the stadium, because where he was staying was pretty close to where the stadium was. Then he saw all the television crew cars, but it was blocked by police cars, but there was a gap. So he went walking in "like he owned the place." and guess went he got in!! Well to make the long story short he had a really good time with the television crew and they got right in the middle celebration of the Red Sox's win. We did do classwork, but I thought it was more important to blog this. :)

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