Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Continuation of God grew tired of us...

Well we continued to watch the movie and just to be really general the Sudan people went to America. This process was no easy trip, in fact it was sad and challenging. The reason it was sad was because Panther, John, Daniel and many more had to leave all the people, who had been with them through the many years of hardship. After saying their goodbyes they went on the airplane, which was quite humorous. For example, some of them started eating the square butter whole and they even started to eat the hand sanitizer wipes. Even Panther had to keep asking whether or not they were eating milk or cheese etc. Once they got to Brussel, Russia, they had to take a connection flight to New York. Well they finally got to the United States and for them it's a completely new ball game. First they started to get accommodated to their apartments with the help of some helpers from the program. They showed them how to use a shower, toilet, microwave, and kitchen etc. Well, after they gave them a couple of weeks to settle in they still didn't eat with forks and spoons, instead they ate with their hands because they always will think of Kenya and they aren't going to throw out all the traditions they grew up with. Lastly, we left off at how they were getting their security cards, for they can get a job to back pay back the airfares, and rent etc.

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