Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Going over the quiz and Grace's long power point

Today is Tuesday the best day of the week  for me, but Friday is pretty awesome too. We went over the 50 point quiz, and as always it took so long to look over. It was actually pretty fun. We had 2 shadows today, their names were Lee (I think that is how you spell it) and there was another guy, but I can't remember his name... whoops. So after using up a whole mod just reviewing the quiz, we finally got to doing a presentation and of course we started with Grace's group. She actually had the cool idea to print out her group's presentation. Therefore, we wouldn't be stressing out writing all of "Grace's important facts." We didn't get to finish her presentation, which wasn't a surprise to me and I think to everyone. Tomorrow we will have to finish Grace's presentations and do all the other presentations. Hopefully everybody can finish in time...

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