Friday, October 18, 2013

Well we took a test...

We took a test today, and let's say that I did not get anything. Apparently Grace, was the only one to finish; bet she was determined to take those AP classes. Also a shadow student finished, so that we my moment of shock, I wonder if he did well... The big thing though was that Mr. Schick wasn't at class!! I was pretty disappointed, but unlike Grace, I wasn't SUPER disappointed. I liked the substitute teacher, but I never remembere3d his name. As you can I stink with names... This week was pretty crazy, but I really liked it, it was nice to have a change for a little while. It sort of stinks, because today is the last day of spirit day, so that means I can't wear sweat pants all day. Apparently we have a Pep Rally today around 1:00, hopefully it will be fun, which I think it will. Well tomorrow is going to be a long day, because we have homecoming, but I think everything will look pretty cool :).

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