Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Going over the population quiz

It was COUCH POTATO DAY!! Enough said ... Well today we checked our quizzes, and that took most of our class time. I think the reason why it took so long is because everybody kept forgetting to say the question, and then say the answer. I did ok, maybe I could of done better, but I'm happy with what I got. After we finally finished checking the quiz, we went on to review cultural characteristics. The components of cultural characteristics are parts of a group's everyday life, the ideas and themes which the group will teach to all the members, and the same characteristics can also link or divide a region.  To be more general about these characteristics can be put as language, ethnic heritage, and religion. That is really it for today. Sooo tomorrow is PSAT'S, nothing really exciting, except we get to arrive at 9 and leave at 12:30, which is really nice.

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