Friday, October 25, 2013

It's only a 50 point quiz...

Well today we had a 50 point quiz that will counted in our 1st quarter grade. I really hope I did well, but I have no idea whether I did or not... So we had a shadow and her name was Mikalya, and she was shadowing from Fallston Middle School. Mr. Schick gave her the quiz also, so maybe she did well, or maybe she didn't. It wasn't too bad, but towards the end of the quiz, I just started to guess, but I looks like I guessed pretty well. We were crazy today, so hopefully Mikalya wasn't freaked out. Also Mr. Schick was wearing all grey!! Thought it was pretty cool/funny. I had a velvet muffin in health class, and it was really good. Last thing is that today is the end of the 1st quarter, can’t believe that I have completed one quarter of my freshman year!!!… J

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