Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quiz today!!

Today we had a quiz about the movie, it wasn't too hard, but I don't know if I got the last question and the last names of the 2 guys, Panther and Daniel, other than that I'm pretty sure I did well. We also had cupcakes, which were really good!! I got a vanilla cupcake, but then I gave to Devin instead because I wasn't hungry. Another thing, is that we are learning a new subject and the subject is the Population Pyramid. In this pyramid, we see the oldies, the economically active and the kiddos. The age groups that starts for these age groups are 60 - 64 for the oldies, 20 - 24 for the economically active, and 5 - 9 for the kiddos. The last thing that we learned is that there are shapes that represents nations and these shapes are the Christmas tree, the box and the cup. Well that ended our day... Oh and it was Erica's 14th birthday!! ( That's why we had cupcakes :) )  

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