Monday, October 28, 2013


Today in class we got into group of 3 or 4 to research one of the 5 main religions. The 5 main religions are Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. Me, Grant and Caroline got Judaism. It was a long mod today, so we were able to get most of our presentation done. It looks really cool too. We researched a bunch of things and I'm pretty impressed with what we got. After the first mod, we got a 5 minute break, therefore I went to my locker and got some pretzels, but my pretzels didn't last that long, because I started to share them with everyone, but I'm cool with that because I was still able to have some. On the other hand some people went all out and got some fries, but they were pretty nice about it though, because they let us have some. Well I really can't believe that it is the start of the second quarter, but I liked this how this class started for the beginning of the second quarter :) .

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