Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Religious Wars

Today Mr. Schick ranted. He ranted about wars, specifically religious wars, and I can see why he is a little frustrated with this topic. Well we first learned that religion can be both unifying and dis unifying force. There are 5 major religions and those are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the things is that there are so many conflicts between these religions, but they almost believe in the same thing. You see the Jews believe they came from the descendants of Abraham, but Muslims and Christians also came from the descendants of Abraham, and I can bet that there is so much war between these faiths, especially Muslims and Jews. Also religion can have millions of followers all believing the same thing, therefore you can expect there would be a little bit of conflicts. The thing is that even if you look different or have a different belief, it shouldn't be resulting in the using of bombs and tanks to destroy cities.

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