Friday, October 4, 2013

Ya we are still watching the movie...

Instead of watching the movie right away today, we checked our test answers. Seems like it might of took up a lot of time, because we didn't see much of the movie (but we also had 1 mod, so maybe that's why). Then after checking our answers, we continued to watch the movie. We sort of focused on John in this part of the movie and about the jobs that he got. His 1st job is in a factory making baskets, which he says if very simple and his 2nd job is at McDonald's grilling burgers. One major aspect that John is doing is that he isn't going to throw out the traditions of the Sudan people and the other thing is that he wonders what Christmas trees mean and if they are in the Bible, because in, Sudan the people get in a big area and start to dance. The other person that we focused on too is Daniel. Daniel also has a job, but his job is at Bank of America. They all have been here for a year and they agree that the people here in America aren't very nice; they also are starting to feel lonesome. In the last part of the movie, which we will watch in Monday, we'll discover how these men can overcome these hardships.

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