Monday, September 30, 2013

Checkin dem answers..

All we did today was correct our FactBook answers and talk about some of the answers that were given. One big topic that we talked is that, which is actually sort of sad is that United States is ranked number 13 in HIV/AIDS deaths. The reason this is so sad and surprising is that America, has so many protections for men and women that are so easily to purchase,(like you can get one from a grocery store) therefore we should really be at the bottom of the worldwide list. We didn't really go into that much, because we didn't want to offend anybody's beliefs (beliefs like same sex marriage, and having sex after your married etc.) That was all we really did today, it did seem like the class went by quickly. Also I think tomorrow or at least this week we finally get our test back (hallelujah), because the 2 people who missed it are finally taking it...

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