Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mr. Schick's funny stories...

Today was pretty awesome!! Mr. Schick told us how he was type a kid that could not keep still, therefore he told 4 stories. One the was about how Gumpy landed into his teacher's coffee, the other was that his Gumpy cut the Nun's hand (my favorite), the 3rd was about a teacher who lifted him up in the air with his short hair and last of all is when he flooded the boys bathroom (my second favorite). I literally could not stop laughing, I guess that I was mind blown with the facts that a boy from the age of 6 could think of things like that!! So Mr. Schick is pretty much the most coolest and funniest teacher EVER!!. The last thing is that it is Thanksgiving Break, which means this day couldn't get any better :)

Gumpy and Pokey!!

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