Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Important facts about the 12 leaders

Hamid KARZAI - 1) comes from the dominant Pashtun tribe of Afghanistan, the former clan of Afghan king Mohammad Zahir Shah.
 2) joined the struggle against the Soviets when he was 25 and became the director of the Afghan National Liberation Front. (ANLF).

 Dilma ROUSSEFF - 1)  In 1970, she was arrested for her political activity and was jailed for three years even though she was never actively involved in armed operations.
 2) During that time she became involved in left-wing politics and joined the underground resistance to the right-wing military dictatorship that had seized power in ‘64 in Brazil  

President XI Jinping - 1)  It is because Xi Jinping is going to one day be the Paramount Leader, General Secretary, President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China
 2) joined the Communist Youth League in 1971, 3 years later, he joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  He steadily worked his way up through the CCP, doing various party jobs for 25 years.  

President Joachim GAUCK - 1) Because he was considered by the Stasi an ”incorrigible anti-communist,” Gauck was denied entrance to his studies in German and Journalism and instead studied theology at the University of Rostock and became a pastor at a church in Mecklenburg-Pommerania. - See more at
 2) While he grew up behind the Iron Curtain, he opposed the East German government and the ideas of socialism to a point where he refused to join the Free German Youth (FDJ) and joined groups that opposed anti-communism. 

President Hasan Fereidun RUHANI - 1) as born Hassan Feridon in on November 12, 1948, in Sorkheh, Iran. His family was opposed to the former shah, and this exposed him to national political concerns at an early age.
2) After receiving his undergraduate degree, he spent his time traveling across his country and giving anti-shah, pro-Ayatollah Khomeini speeches, which caused him to flee Iran in 1977 because his life was threatened.

President Shimon PERES - 1) A year later, in 1948, Shimon Peres was appointed head of Israel's navy and at war's end, assumed the position of Director of the Defense Ministry's delegation in the United States. While in the United States, he studied at the New-York School for Social Research and at Harvard.
2) In 1953, at the age of 29, Peres was appointed by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to the post of Director General of the Defense Ministry, a position he held until 1959. During that period, he shaped the special relations between Israel and France, and established Israel's electronic aircraft industries, as well as its nuclear program.

Francois HOLLANDE - 1) He joined the Socialist Party in 1979  
2) He was spotted by Jacques Attali, the advisor to François Mitterrand, going on to write economic notes for him. Having left the ENA at number seven in the rankings in 1980, he was made Chargé de Mission at the Élysée. 

ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud - 1) In October 1976, as Abdullah was being groomed for greater responsibility in Riyadh, he was sent to the United States to meet with then-President Gerald Ford. 
2) In 2002, Abdullah floated the so-called Arab Peace Initiative, what many considered at the time to be an opening salvo in a Saudi attempt to make peace with Israel

Enrique PENA NIETO - 1)  In 1999, he worked on the campaign team of Arturo Montiel Rojas, who was elected Governor of Mexico State. Montiel rewarded him with the position of Administrative Secretary. 
2) Peña Nieto was elected to replace Montiel in 2005 as Governor of Mexico State, serving from 2005-2011. In 2011 he won the PRI Presidential nomination and immediately became the front runner for the 2012 elections. 

Prime Minister David CAMERON - 1)  Once he became head of Britain's Conservative party, Cameron sought to modernize it and shed its right-wing image. 
2)  His win was due in large part to his vow to inspire a new generation; he wanted people to "feel good about being Conservatives again,"

President Nicolas MADURO Moros - 1) Maduro worked alongside the outspoken president until Chávez's death in March 2013. Prior to his passing, Chávez publicly named Maduro his successor. 
2) Maduro was introduced to future Venezeulan President Hugo Chávez in 1992, after Chávez and other disenchanted members of the military were imprisoned for an attempted coup and Maduro began campaigning for  Chávez's release. 

President Pranab MUKHERJEE - 1) Seventy six years old, Shri Mukherjee is a man of unparalleled experience in governance with the rare distinction of having served at different times as Foreign, Defence, Commerce and Finance Minister. 
2) A powerful orator and scholar, Shri Mukherjee’s intellectual and political prowess as well as remarkable knowledge of international relations, financial affairs and parliamentary process are widely admired. 

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