Monday, December 2, 2013

Micro finance and a cold...

Today was nothing exciting. All we did today we look at our Micro Finance power point, and we read over our facts. Mr. Schick wanted us to read them in our own words, but that was sort of difficult for most people including me. I really don't think the topic is very interesting and it is sort of confusing, but it seems very important. Today was 2 mods, so it doesn't really help with my interest on the topic, because it seemed as if it dragged on and on. Also the fact that I have a cold, doesn't help at all, it was actually pretty hard to keep up with the power point (really had to try not to complain and fall asleep... sorry Mr. Schick.) After we finally finished our power point, we went to look at the other section power point and I must say there's was a lot better, I mean a A LOT better. Probably because they had a lot of nice pictures that associated with Micro Finance. Last of all, we have a test on this subject before exams...yippie... -__-

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