Friday, November 22, 2013

Killer Silence...

Well Mr. Schick wasn't here today, which was sort of depressing, because his classes are pretty fun/interesting. We had a substitute teacher, whose name I still don't know, but I guess someday I will know it, but other than that we had to do the mini project, which hasn't gotten less confusing... That's all we really did, so not much to blog about, the one thing that was SUPER difference was that there was SILENCE, like really nobody was talking and I got to say I enjoyed it very much. Today looks pretty gloomy, but I like it when it looks like that, because things look so much more authentic, plus it's Friday and who wouldn't be happy about that? Well that is really it for the day, maybe the sun will come out, but for right now there is a lot of gray skies and no Mr. Schick...

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