Wednesday, November 20, 2013

We just kept on talking...

Today we literally just talked... We talked about a whole lot of things, but I will tell you the main things that class decided to bring up. 1st well it was just jibberish and excitement, mostly because we just had our free mod before class. 2nd was about the project that we were doing and how most people agreed that it was sort of confusing and pointless. The dilemma though was that the other sections just told him that they why wouldn't do something fun and not take notes all the time. While our group likes taking notes and just learning from Mr. Schick's power points and personally, I like that much better than doing this project. The 3rd and final subject was little small business v.s. big companies and to make this long topic short, big companies like Shoprite, Walmart, Target, Wawa are etc. are starting to beat other small companies that aren't as popular as the ones that we have now. Take for example, Shoprite. You see, before Shoprite there was Kleins, but for the obvious reason Shoprite bought out Kleins, and is now much more popular and had some few changes maybe in there food, but for the most obvious, reason it is the name.

Small shops from way back when... 

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