Monday, November 25, 2013

Class Presentation...

Today was pretty bad, definitely not your typical, happy and chatty human geography class. I mean we started pretty normal and then some seniors ( I think they were seniors) came to talk about how we should go to the variety show etc., but I don't think I'm going to go, because to be honest I don't feel like going. Then here comes the grand opening!! Mr. Schick had the great idea to give us a power point assignment on Micro finance, but here's the twist we have to do this presentation with the entire class, yes.. The ENTIRE CLASS!! The minute he said that I knew that this class assignment was going to end terribly, no matter if the other sections were able to do it, I knew that we just couldn't do it without Grace criticizing/critiquing us every 5 minutes...maybe less. There was also they are was a lot of "Why are you typing on my slide!!", so ya definitely not the best class.... Luckily I had my headphones.

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