Monday, November 4, 2013

Culture and Religion test today...

Today we took the culture and religion test and I got a 83% on it. I didn't do too bad, but I thought I would've done better. After we were finished with that we went onto a new topic which was Political Geography. Mr. Schick explained it to us, but it was too confusing, so I can't tell you much. All I know is that it is divided by 4 factors which are: country, nation, state and Nation State (with a capital S). When we were finished talking about those topics we watched a video. Mr. Schick started to talk about this guy is amazing (who was Canadian) and that he wished he were him, but then the video started. This guy had the worst sense of humor, I mean seriously it was bad. He said jokes that could have the potential in being funny, but then you think about and you are like no... Well that pretty much sums up today's class.

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