Saturday, November 2, 2013

It was a "special" class

Today was a really short class, because we had mass and a memorial in the morning. To be honest it was pretty boring, but the memorial was nice I guess. The thing is that I didn't really know the people who had die, so it didn't really affect me personally. After the mass and memorial was finished we followed an one hour late bell, therefore all the class were short. We were supposed to have the religion and culture test today, but instead Mr. Schick was very kind to over his power point, which means that we will have to take the test on Monday, which sounds like a pretty good deal to me :). Today was especially crazy because I had like 4 tests, so hopefully I did well in all of them. Can't believe that it is November 1st!! Time seriously flies by... can't wait for Thanksgiving break haha.

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