Monday, November 18, 2013

Weird Class...

Today was weird... I mean classes are always pretty "different" but this one was just weird. We started the class by asking if Mr. Schick graded the tests, and his response was no, which sort of stunk. He also said, that some of them were looking good so far, but he also said some had red pen all over it, which isn't very good. We also got into a new subject and that is Economic something... can't really remember what the whole thing was. Then after the mini introduction, we had to do this project, and Mr. Schick was explaining how to do it, but some of the places in this project, aren't real, so he kept saying that "it's all your mind" in a voice that resembled a lot to Stitch. After that explanation, we were on our own and trust me it wasn't pretty. Just to make the long story short, none of us understood the project and therefore none of us did it.

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