Monday, September 2, 2013


Agora- is the center of the city states in Greek where sports, politics, and spiritual events happened
Arete – is something that means inner excellence, a purpose that makes you want to be better
Polis - is the same as the city states of Greece
Socrates- was an ancient Greek philosopher he is known to help in the field of ethics and logic things that we still use today.
The Socrates’ method – was a method that was named after Socrates, this method was used to stir up critical thinking where you talk by asking and answering questions. This might lead someone to contradict himself or herself.  Socrates used this method to find false hypothesis etc.
The death of Socrates – was a painting that was done on oil canvas in 1787 by Jacques – Louis David. This painting shows the execution of Socrates, because he was proving the tyrant of Athens, wrong. Therefore, he had to either drink the poisonous hemlock or execution. Socrates chose hemlock, because he thought it might be a good final lesson for his students.

What the Greeks meant if they called you an idiot – The Greeks meant that you were a person “lacking professional skill” or a “private person”. They also usually called you this if you were selfish, only concerning about yourself not the public events 
508 BC - many events occurred such as the war between Rome Clusium, war between Clusium and Aricia, a new office in Rome and Cleinsthenes reorganizes Athens. 

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