Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Continuation on Globalization

We continued the conversation on globalization. We talked about how other factors such as language and exchange are also connected to globalization. Language is connected to globalization because more than one language is becoming more and more common, as the process of globalization brings culture into more direct contact. An example of this Mandarin and English, because they are gaining millions of speakers a day. Exchange is also connected to the act of interconnection, which is another word for globalization, because products are being sent and delivered all over the world in different ways. The last few things that we talked about is that the united States are trying to talk through problems not fight through problems. Therefore, this causes less violence in the united States and other places all over the world. Another hot topic that was touched was that, shouldn't America just border everything and not let people enter the country, with their problems?   The answer is no. If we do that everything would seem like the end of the world over night; gas prices would get higher, no more traveling to places outside of the country, not as much food etc. Well that pretty much sums up what we learned in class today...

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