Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Behind the Swoosh- let's just sink that in....

Well we didn't do that much today, but we did talk about what Nike has been doing after the protests against them, because of Indonesia's sweat shops. Mr. Schick showed us a business website that he found that summarizes and shows Nike changes during the years. Nike, undoubtedly, did some changes, but the one that was most significant was changing the minimum wage. What Nike has done to the minimum wage was change it from $1.00 to $3.70. Yes, they changed it, but it still isn't enough to live a "healthy life." What is most amazing is that Nike is a multimillionaire company, and they still pay hard working sweat shop workers $3.70, just to save an average of $50,000 a day. For me it's sort of ridiculous, because they pay athletes like, Tiger Woods thousands of dollars a day just for wearing their clothes. After we stopped talking about the issue about Nike, we went into our groups just to finish up in our power points towards the end of class.

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