Friday, September 13, 2013

Wikipedia is not THAT bad

We continued to talk about globalization and how it effects our world. Then we went on to talk about Wikipedia! Apparently Wikipedia, has some good things to it. Some of the good things of Wikipedia, is that it has so much reliable information. People say that random people can write things into the articles, therefore the articles would be messed up, but we learned that Wikipedia has people to check if those things happen, so the articles would be fine if anybody would go to find information needed. Another thing, is that it cites all the other information that they got from other sites, so if you liked what you read from the article you can go to site. The last thing is that it highlight key words in the articles, therefore, if you don't know what the word means Wiki takes you right to another article that they wrote. All and all Wiki isn't as bad as people say at least that was Mr. Schick says. After, we did that we went into groups to do a power point on globalization. 

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