Monday, September 16, 2013

Nike- Behind the Swoosh

Behind the Swoosh is were things tend to get a little ugly and somewhat sad. Today in class we learned that not everything about globalization is positive. An example of that is Nike. Nike, as you know, is a huge sporting company,that produces millions and millions of dollars. Sometimes they ask to celebrity athletes, to wear their products, and guess what, those athletes gain millions of dollars in minutes, but wait where does Nike get all those shoes and t shirts without getting bankrupt? Well the answer is minimum wage and that's were things go down hill for people. Before I get started with all the information about the minimum wage problems, I need to tell you a little about how I got this information. Mr. Schick showed us a video on a great athlete, called Jim who was offered to be the coach of St.John, one of the best catholic colleges  in the  country at the time. Jim was about to take the job, and could of have lots of money and lived like a king, but that wasn't the case. When Jim was offered to take the position, they told him that him and the whole soccer corporation would wear Nike. Jim was about to take the offer, but he started to look into what Nike did and what they believed and after what Jim discovered, he was completely opposed in using Nike clothes etc. What Jim discovered was that people all over the world, that are working for Nike are only getting a minimum wage of $1.25, which is the money they live off of. Jim was shocked and tried to communicate with others about this issues, but others said to him to just let it go. However, Jim wasn't satisfied, so he and another woman, named Leslie, went to Indonesia to see the living conditions that the workers of Nike were living in. After being there for a week, they were lives were being drastically changed; you could barely get any of your necessary needs, there was barely any space to live in and the the conditions there were terrible. After experiencing the living conditions, they wanted to get into a Nike sweat shop, but they weren't allowed and it even lead them to be surrounded by security guards when they asked permission. Even though they were unable to get inside the sweat shops, they had experience enough. After their trip, they wanted to talk to the CEO of Nike,Phil  Knight, but he did not want to talk to them about the situation. Therefore, Jim and Leslie, were traveling to colleges to spread the news about Nike's sweat shops and they still continue to do that today. This issues is major, because sometimes we think that globalization is great, but there is a lot of people like the Nike workers, who aren't thinking the same thing.

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