Sunday, September 1, 2013

5 point action plan

My five point action plan, to have a successful freshman year at John Carroll is to stay organized, to be involved, to make new friends, to have good communication with teachers and to have fun. All these things are sort of connected with each other, because if I stay organized, by writing down my homework and things that I have to do, I might be able to be involved in a lot of things. If I am involved in those things then I can meet new friends and have some fun. The good communication with teachers is also tied with organization, because if I am going to be absent or late, telling the teacher of ahead of time will save me a lot of stress at the end. Last of all is to have fun, if I don't have fun, high school might seem like torture me, but if I am able to do all these things that are listed above, I am sure that my freshman year will be enjoyable.

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