Friday, September 6, 2013

The fast changing world

It was crazy. We watched a video on how our world is changing constantly and the conditions that are all over the world. One of the crazy facts is that India has more honor kids then America has kids!! In a way that sounds terrible, but there is always two sides of a coin. The one side is sort of sad for our case, because so many people in the world think of us as being so great, but if we are, I don't think that should be the case. The other side, though is that India is suffering a lot more in poverty, because they aren't as wealthy as us. So at the end it is sort of a complicated situation. Towards the end of the class, after we watched the video, Mr.Schick told us how when he was young the way to listen to music was to have one of those old records, but if someone told him that one day we were going to have iPods to listen to all that music, he would of thought they were going crazy. What he was trying to tell us was that our world is always changing and thinking of new ideas, like for example, maybe one day when we are born we will have a micro chip that will be implanted in us for us to listen to music, so if we wanted a friend to listen to music you are listening to all we would have to do is stare at their eyes. This might seem crazy, but inventions like this is already being created. Mr. Schick gave us an example that this guy got a micro chip in his heart (I think) and when his heart is having problems, a warning would be sent to his doctor. As you can see, inventions like theses and many more are being invented, so sometimes even the impossible might be possible.

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