Monday, September 23, 2013

Population and Immigration unit

Well we finished our test today, which wasn't too bad. Then we started to get into population and immigration topics. There was a lot of definitions in the power point, but 2 of them were crude birth rate and crude death rate. What these words mean is that one estimates the births of children per 1,000 people per year and the other one, obviously, is the estimate of deaths out per 1,000 people per year. Another topic that was touched on was that why women lived longer than men? A couple of reasons is that not many women, go into the army and fight for country, also we are more concerned about our health, last of all you don’t see a women doing the job of a lumber jack, therefore women don’t do many dangerous jobs. What was also related to this topic was that, America is 50th in the placing for the life expectancy for people. The top one is Monaco, a very nice wealthy place, where health insurance is a lot easier to get than other countries. The surprising thing is that you would think America would at least be top 10… 

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