Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Today's Conversation

Today we talked about Socrates. We talked how Socrates was a great philosopher and that if Mr. Schick, could go back to any time period, it would the time during when Socrates was alive. He even said that he would put Socrates above Jesus! :). Socrates was known for the Socrates' method, a method which lead him to be executed. Socrates was executed, because he was criticizing Critias, the tyrant of Athens. Therefore, Critias did not like Socrates criticizing him, so he gave Socrates the option to either drink the poisonous hemlock, which was a terrible way to die, or to be executed. Socrates chose to drink the hemlock, because he wanted to show his final lesson to his students. Towards the end of the of the class we talked about how in the painting of Socrates' Death, Socrates was shown to be mighty, like Superman 50 years later, but Socrates in reality was ugly and old.

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