Monday, January 6, 2014

Mixed Emotions...

Today was our first day back from break, but to be honest I wasn't entirely happy to be back. I mean ya it was great to see my friends and stuff, but I wasn't a big fan of waking up early today, even if we had a 2 hour delay. The day went by fast, because we had the delay in the morning (thank god). Also some people looked a little different, like Mr. Schick grew a mustache and Grant got his braces off and Caroline had scars all over her arm, because she fell down the stairs (no comment), but I guess I should have of expected some people looking a little different. Another thing was that we are in a new section called Urbanization. Urbanization is all about villages and people and how they moved from on place to another to get to the point where people are now living in cities. It's pretty interesting so far, so I'm pretty sure I'm like this topic. Last of all it was super cold today, this might sound ridiculous but it should be illegal for kids to go to school with weather this cold.

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