Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review Questions...

What are are some of Jared Diamond's hobbies and jobs?
Teacher at UCLA, bird watcher, author, Cultural Archaeologist
What is cargo? 
 materials items, personal possessions
Describe what the Europeans thought of the New Guineans?
They weren't as smart as them
What are the 3 factors that big civilization have in common?
Technology, Large population and specialized workers
What did people do before do 13,000 years ago?
Hunters and gatherers. 
Where is the only place in the world where people live in the Stonage?
Papua, New Guinea
What was the best area of civilization?
What is the city city?
What is the building that stored the the grains?
the grainery 
Why didn't people moved from Mesopotamia?
Climate changes
What is the most important factor for a civilization to do well or not?
What are the characterization of a good plant that is useful?
long lasting, nutrition
How many animals that have been to be domesticated?
Africa - use crops that is first used?
sorgum, millet and yems
corn, squash
Middle East?
Sago, bannans 

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