Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel...

I sort of believe Diamond's theory because it makes sense, but I also think there may be other factors into New Guinea isn't as developed and the rest of the world. The main part of Diamond theory (well I think it was) was that the Middle East was one of the first farmers of the world. They were able to to prosper at first from wheat and barely, to building homes and have an animal dominance over animals. This population was called the fertilized credence, because they were starting to have things, that other people in world couldn't possibly think of having or doing. This population later moved on to Eurasia, because the land where they lived in became to dry, therefore this caused the spread of animals and new techniques all over the world. The only problem is New Guinea, didn't get any of these tools and animals, because I'm guessing they aren't connected to the land where all of this is happening. New Guinea, is still able to have a living, but they are still doing farming by hand. They are still doing techniques that they used 100 of years ago...

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