Friday, December 13, 2013

Review for Exams...

Today we reviewed for our exams, and I'm not looking forward to it. Apparently our human geography exam is going to be 100 questions and a huge essay, gross... We didn't too much other than that, which is sort of surprising because our class is always doing something. I had a secret Santa today and I got Peppermint Bark Chocolates, but I had the bad idea to bring them into class, because I was too lazy to open my locker. The thing though was that everyone wanted a chocolate, but I didn't want to give any to anyone, which might sound mean, I just guess I wasn't in the mood. Also my sister is in town, which is pretty exciting because she's in grad school, so she doesn't have many vacations. The thing that stinks is that the week that she visiting during my exams, therefore I feel like I'm going to lock myself in my room studying for exams and barely have any time to see her!!.. hopefully that won't be the case... Last thing, I hope it snows this weekend, because that would be awesome!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Gotta Take that Test...

Today was definitely interesting. I had to make up the Micro Finance test, therefore Mr. Schick kicked me out of the class, and I ain't gonna lie I felt like a stray dog with no home. The test was really easy actually, only 15 questions, so you didn't have much of a margin of error, but that wasn't a big deal, because again the questions were easy. I got a 93 and I'm really happy about that, because that definitely helps me with my grade. The class today was super loud today, so Mr. Schick was going crazy just trying to calm us down, but we didn't calm down one bit. He looked different, and I don't know if I liked it, but I guess I'll get used to it or he might change. His birthday was last Sunday, so I'm dedicating this blog to him as a birthday present haha hope you had a great birthday my Mr. Schick :)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pasta Day

Today was AWESOME!! It all started when I was able to eat my delicious pasta in class :) It kinda weird because we didn't do anything productive, but I'm ok with that, because that means class was fun! All I remember was getting all these weird answers from Mr. Schick and everyone was banging on their desk, because they wanted to answer the question first, but because we are freshman we got none of the answers right. Last of all is when I was literally cracking up with Caroline for at least 5 minutes because there was the word drugs on the power point and I thought it was bad drugs, but it really was health drugs. Therefore Caroline said "No Alexa, not the bad kind!" haha I guess you had to be there for it to be funny, but over all class was great :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Questions, Questions, Questions....

what is microfinance? financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services.

list at least 3 things that microfinance affect people. 1) provides people who don’t have the money to get a loan to start a business, pay for medical attention, pay for schools, etc.
2) It helps small businesses start up and stay running
3) your small business gets damaged, they will provide you the money to get your business back on track so you can start making money again.

what are microloans? loans people money to help them them get a kickstart in a small business that they think will be beneficial to their village or town.

what 3 problems can microfinance fix?  1) malaria 2) clean water 3) Drought

what is malaria?  life-threatening disease transmitted by mosquitoes

in what year did scientist discover the real cause of malaria? 1880

how many deaths are caused by malaria? 655,000

are there any cures to malaria? no

how can we improve microfinance? we need to think of a solution to give people a chance to have a better life

what are 3 misconceptions about microfinance?

  • Clients are too poor to pay interest as well as repaying the loan capital, so projects have low or no interest rates.
  • Clients need a large lump sum to restart activities after a conflict, so loan sizes are large (for example, more than one-fifth of annual income).
  • Clients prefer to use the loan for agricultural activities, so projects have long loan terms (six months to one year).

Monday, December 2, 2013

Micro finance and a cold...

Today was nothing exciting. All we did today we look at our Micro Finance power point, and we read over our facts. Mr. Schick wanted us to read them in our own words, but that was sort of difficult for most people including me. I really don't think the topic is very interesting and it is sort of confusing, but it seems very important. Today was 2 mods, so it doesn't really help with my interest on the topic, because it seemed as if it dragged on and on. Also the fact that I have a cold, doesn't help at all, it was actually pretty hard to keep up with the power point (really had to try not to complain and fall asleep... sorry Mr. Schick.) After we finally finished our power point, we went to look at the other section power point and I must say there's was a lot better, I mean a A LOT better. Probably because they had a lot of nice pictures that associated with Micro Finance. Last of all, we have a test on this subject before exams...yippie... -__-