Saturday, January 18, 2014

Last Human Geo class...

Yesterday was our last human geography class together :( I really liked this class because everyone got along with one another and everyone participated in the subjects that we were learning. Also Mr. Schick did a great job teaching the subjects. I just love how enthusiastic he was for everything that we learned. He was also very very funny. I don't think Mr.Schick should change anything, because I had an awesome time with the class and learning everything about Human Geography. Last of all I'm so glad I have Mr.Schick for Western Civilization!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review Questions...

What are are some of Jared Diamond's hobbies and jobs?
Teacher at UCLA, bird watcher, author, Cultural Archaeologist
What is cargo? 
 materials items, personal possessions
Describe what the Europeans thought of the New Guineans?
They weren't as smart as them
What are the 3 factors that big civilization have in common?
Technology, Large population and specialized workers
What did people do before do 13,000 years ago?
Hunters and gatherers. 
Where is the only place in the world where people live in the Stonage?
Papua, New Guinea
What was the best area of civilization?
What is the city city?
What is the building that stored the the grains?
the grainery 
Why didn't people moved from Mesopotamia?
Climate changes
What is the most important factor for a civilization to do well or not?
What are the characterization of a good plant that is useful?
long lasting, nutrition
How many animals that have been to be domesticated?
Africa - use crops that is first used?
sorgum, millet and yems
corn, squash
Middle East?
Sago, bannans 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Smashed Pretzels...

Today we went over Gun, Germs and Steel. Other than that we didn't do much, except Grace talked the entire class saying that she doesn't like Diamonds theory etc. I mean I don't agree completely, but it does make sense. We were very chatty, more than usual and I ain't gonna lie I was pretty chatty too. I think that is the reason why Mr. Schick smashed my pretzels, but I didn't mind. Lastly, we got our test moved back to Friday (yeesss).

Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel...

I sort of believe Diamond's theory because it makes sense, but I also think there may be other factors into New Guinea isn't as developed and the rest of the world. The main part of Diamond theory (well I think it was) was that the Middle East was one of the first farmers of the world. They were able to to prosper at first from wheat and barely, to building homes and have an animal dominance over animals. This population was called the fertilized credence, because they were starting to have things, that other people in world couldn't possibly think of having or doing. This population later moved on to Eurasia, because the land where they lived in became to dry, therefore this caused the spread of animals and new techniques all over the world. The only problem is New Guinea, didn't get any of these tools and animals, because I'm guessing they aren't connected to the land where all of this is happening. New Guinea, is still able to have a living, but they are still doing farming by hand. They are still doing techniques that they used 100 of years ago...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Icy Friday...

Today we continued to talk about Urbanization. All we really talked about was how the Roman rulers, gave the people entertainment and food on some occasions, because they didn't want an uprising from the lower class people. Mr. Schick did a cool example about the entertainment that we have to use toady like the NFL, and hockey etc. thankfully Grace didn't do an hour long speech about the NFL. The other thing we talked about was that if you were a rich merchant family, you had to provide for an artist or sculptor supplies, because you wanted to show that you are giving back to the community. That was really it on the learning side, but we had a shadow called Auggie, he was shadowing Zach. Last of all we have a test coming up soon!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A really short class...

Today we had another 2 hour delay, and I must say that I was very happy with that. Classes were super short, because today is Wednesday and classes on Wednesday are pretty short but adding the 2 hour delay just made the classes seem as if they lasted 10 minutes. We continued to talk about Urbanization, especially about Christopher Columbus. So, apparently he didn't exactly "discovered" America, because there were other people on the land before him. He also thought that we was in India, so he called the people Indians, which I thought was kinda funny. The last thing we talked about was some building (which I can't exactly remember the name of) in Greece, and if we tried to build that same exact building today, that it would cost us about 1 billion dollars, which is a lot of money.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Mixed Emotions...

Today was our first day back from break, but to be honest I wasn't entirely happy to be back. I mean ya it was great to see my friends and stuff, but I wasn't a big fan of waking up early today, even if we had a 2 hour delay. The day went by fast, because we had the delay in the morning (thank god). Also some people looked a little different, like Mr. Schick grew a mustache and Grant got his braces off and Caroline had scars all over her arm, because she fell down the stairs (no comment), but I guess I should have of expected some people looking a little different. Another thing was that we are in a new section called Urbanization. Urbanization is all about villages and people and how they moved from on place to another to get to the point where people are now living in cities. It's pretty interesting so far, so I'm pretty sure I'm like this topic. Last of all it was super cold today, this might sound ridiculous but it should be illegal for kids to go to school with weather this cold.